"script": "添加功能的通用扩展",
"localization": "将webui翻译成另一种语言的本地化扩展",
"tab": "添加选项卡",
"dropdown": "在ui中添加一个下拉式菜单",
"ads": "包含广告",
"training": "新型训练/辅助训练.",
"models": "转换和合并相关.",
"UI related": "增强了显示或用户界面体验。",
"prompting": "帮助书写单词,用于提示.",
"editing": "更改图像的扩展,不使用稳定的扩散.",
"manipulations": "以稳定扩散改变图像的扩展.",
"online": "需要wifi才能使用的扩展,通常与API相关.",
"animation": "与创建具有稳定扩散的视频相关的扩展。",
"query": "从图像中提取信息.",
"science": "稳定扩散实验.",
"extras": "为“附加”选项卡添加新功能."
插件名: "Aesthetic Gradients",审美梯度
下载地址: "https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-aesthetic-gradients",
插件功能描述: "Allows training an embedding from one or few pictures, specifically meant for applying styles. Also, allows use of these specific embeddings to generated images.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "dropdown", "training"]
插件名: "training-picker",训练拾取器
下载地址: "https://github.com/Maurdekye/training-picker",
插件功能描述: "Adds a tab to the webui that allows the user to automatically extract keyframes from video, and manually extract 512x512 crops of those frames for use in model training.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "training"]
插件名: "Dataset Tag Editor",“数据集标记编辑器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/toshiaki1729/stable-diffusion-webui-dataset-tag-editor",
插件功能描述: "Feature-rich UI tab that allows image viewing, search-filtering and editing.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "training"]
插件名: "DreamArtist",梦想艺术家
下载地址: "https://github.com/7eu7d7/DreamArtist-sd-webui-extension",
插件功能描述: "Towards Controllable One-Shot Text-to-Image Generation via Contrastive Prompt-Tuning.",
插件的标签: ["training"]
插件名: "WD 1.4 Tagger",Tagger标签反推
下载地址: "https://github.com/toriato/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger",
插件功能描述: "Interrogates single or multiple image files using various alternative models, similar to deepdanbooru interrogate.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "training"]
插件名: "Hypernetwork-Monkeypatch-Extension",插件扩展
下载地址: "https://github.com/aria1th/Hypernetwork-MonkeyPatch-Extension",
插件功能描述: "Extension that provides additional training features for hypernetwork training. Also supports using multiple hypernetworks for inference.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "training"]
插件名: "Custom Diffusion",自定义扩散
下载地址: "https://github.com/guaneec/custom-diffusion-webui",
插件功能描述: "Custom Diffusion is, in short, finetuning-lite with TI, instead of tuning the whole model. Similar speed and memory requirements to TI and supposedly gives better results in less steps.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "training"]
插件名: "Smart Process",“智能流程”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/d8ahazard/sd_smartprocess",
插件功能描述: "Smart pre-process including auto subject identification, caption subject swapping, and upscaling/facial restoration.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "editing", "training"]
插件名: "Embeddings editor",“嵌入编辑器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/CodeExplode/stable-diffusion-webui-embedding-editor",
插件功能描述: "Allows you to manually edit textual inversion embeddings using sliders.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models"]
插件名: "embedding-inspector",“嵌入检查员”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/tkalayci71/embedding-inspector",
插件功能描述: "Inspect any token(a word) or Textual-Inversion embeddings and find out which embeddings are similar. You can mix, modify, or create the embeddings in seconds.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models"]
插件名: "Merge Board",“合并板”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/bbc-mc/sdweb-merge-board",
插件功能描述: "Multiple lane merge support(up to 10). Save and Load your merging combination as Recipes, which is simple text.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models"]
插件名: "Model Converter",“模型转换器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/Akegarasu/sd-webui-model-converter",
插件功能描述: "Convert models to fp16/bf16 no-ema/ema-only safetensors. Convert/copy/delete any parts of model: unet, text encoder(clip), vae.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models"]
插件名: "Kohya-ss Additional Networks",“Kohya ss附加网络”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-webui-additional-networks",
插件功能描述: "Allows the Web UI to use LoRAs (1.X and 2.X) to generate images. Also allows editing .safetensors networks prompt metadata.",
“允许Web UI使用LoRA(1.X和2.X)生成图像。还允许编辑.saftensors网络提示元数据。”,
插件的标签: ["models"]
插件名: "Merge Block Weighted",“合并块加权”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/bbc-mc/sdweb-merge-block-weighted-gui",
插件功能描述: "Merge models with separate rate for each 25 U-Net block (input, middle, output).",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models"]
插件名: "Embedding Merge",“嵌入合并”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/klimaleksus/stable-diffusion-webui-embedding-merge",
插件功能描述: "Merging Textual Inversion embeddings at runtime from string literals. Phrases and weight values also supported.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models", "manipulations"]
插件名: "SuperMerger",超级合并。
下载地址: "https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-supermerger",
插件功能描述: "Merge and run without saving to drive. Sequential XY merge generations; extract and merge loras, bind loras to ckpt, merge block weights, and more.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "models"]
插件名: "LoRA Block Weight",“LoRA块重量”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-lora-block-weight",
插件功能描述: "Applies LoRA strength; block by block on the fly. Includes presets, weight analysis, randomization, XY plot.",
插件的标签: ["models"]
插件名: "Image browser",“图像浏览器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/AlUlkesh/stable-diffusion-webui-images-browser",
插件功能描述: "Provides an interface to browse created images in the web browser.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "UI related"]
插件名: "Inspiration",“灵感”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/yfszzx/stable-diffusion-webui-inspiration",
插件功能描述: "Randomly display the pictures of the artist's or artistic genres typical style, more pictures of this artist or genre is displayed after selecting. So you don't have to worry about how hard it is to choose the right style of art when you create.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "UI related"]
插件名: "Artists to study",“研究艺术家”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/camenduru/stable-diffusion-webui-artists-to-study",
插件功能描述: "Shows a gallery of generated pictures by artists separated into categories.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "UI related"]
插件名: "Prompt Gallery",“提示库”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/dr413677671/PromptGallery-stable-diffusion-webui",
插件功能描述: "Build a yaml file filled with prompts of your character, hit generate, and quickly preview them by their word attributes and modifiers.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "UI related"]
插件名: "Infinity Grid Generator",“无限网格生成器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/sd-infinity-grid-generator-script",
插件功能描述: "Build a yaml file with your chosen parameters, and generate infinite-dimensional grids. Built-in ability to add description text to fields. See readme for usage details.",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "Config-Presets",“配置预设”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/Zyin055/Config-Presets",
插件功能描述: "Adds a configurable dropdown to allow you to change UI preset settings in the txt2img and img2img tabs.",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "Preset Utilities",“预设实用程序”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/Gerschel/sd_web_ui_preset_utils",
插件功能描述: "Preset utility tool for ui. Offers compatibility with custom scripts. (to a limit)",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "openOutpaint extension",“openOutpaint扩展”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/zero01101/openOutpaint-webUI-extension",
插件功能描述: "A tab with the full openOutpaint UI. Run with the --api flag.",
“一个带有完整open Outpaint UI的选项卡。使用--api标志运行。”,
插件的标签: ["tab", "UI related", "editing"]
插件名: "quick-css",“快速css”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/Gerschel/sd-web-ui-quickcss",
插件功能描述: "Extension for quickly selecting and applying custom.css files, for customizing look and placement of elements in ui.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "UI related"]
插件名: "Aspect Ratio selector",“纵横比选择器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/alemelis/sd-webui-ar",
插件功能描述: "Adds image aspect ratio selector buttons.",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "Catppuccin Theme",“卡布奇诺主题”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/catppuccin/stable-diffusion-webui",
插件功能描述: "Adds various custom themes",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "Kitchen Theme",“厨房主题”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/canisminor1990/sd-web-ui-kitchen-theme",
插件功能描述: "Custom Theme.",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "Bilingual Localization",“双语本地化”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/journey-ad/sd-webui-bilingual-localization",
插件功能描述: "Bilingual translation, no need to worry about how to find the original button. Compatible with language pack extensions, no need to re-import.",
插件的标签: ["UI related"]
插件名: "Dynamic Prompts",“动态提示”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/adieyal/sd-dynamic-prompts",
插件功能描述: "Implements an expressive template language for random or combinatorial prompt generation along with features to support deep wildcard directory structures.",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "Unprompted",“未经邀请”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/ThereforeGames/unprompted",
插件功能描述: "Allows you to include various shortcodes in your prompts. You can pull text from files, set up your own variables, process text through conditional functions, and so much more - it's like wildcards on steroids. It now includes integrations like hard-prompts made easy, ControlNet, txt2img2img and txt2mask.",
插件的标签: ["prompting", "ads"]
插件名: "StylePile",“样式文件”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/some9000/StylePile",
插件功能描述: "An easy way to mix and match elements to prompts that affect the style of the result.",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "Booru tag autocompletion",“Booru标签自动完成”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete",
插件功能描述: "Displays autocompletion hints for tags from image booru boards such as Danbooru. Uses local tag CSV files and includes a config for customization.",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "novelai-2-local-prompt",NovelAI中使用的提示转换
下载地址: "https://github.com/animerl/novelai-2-local-prompt",
插件功能描述: "Add a button to convert the prompts used in NovelAI for use in the WebUI. In addition, add a button that allows you to recall a previously used prompt.",
时间: "2022-11-05",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "tokenizer",
下载地址: "https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-tokenizer",
插件功能描述: "Adds a tab that lets you preview how CLIP model would tokenize your text.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "prompting"]
插件名: "Randomize",“随机化”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/innightwolfsleep/stable-diffusion-webui-randomize",
插件功能描述: "Allows for random parameters during txt2img generation. This script will function with others as well. Original author: https://git.mmaker.moe/mmaker/stable-diffusion-webui-randomize",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "conditioning-highres-fix",“调节高层建筑”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/klimaleksus/stable-diffusion-webui-conditioning-highres-fix",
插件功能描述: "This is Extension for rewriting Inpainting conditioning mask strength value relative to Denoising strength at runtime. This is useful for Inpainting models such as sd-v1-5-inpainting.ckpt",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "model-keyword",“模型关键字”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/mix1009/model-keyword",
插件功能描述: "Inserts matching keyword(s) to the prompt automatically. Update this extension to get the latest model+keyword mappings.",
插件的标签: ["prompting"]
插件名: "Prompt Generator",“提示生成器”,
下载地址: "https://github.com/imrayya/stable-diffusion-webui-Prompt_Generator",
插件功能描述: "generate a prompt from a small base prompt using distilgpt2. Adds a tab with additional control of the model.",
时间: "2022-12-30",
插件的标签: ["tab", "prompting"]
插件名: "Promptgen",模型生成提示
下载地址: "https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-promptgen",
插件功能描述: "Use transformers models to generate prompts.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "prompting"]
插件名: "text2prompt",文本提示
下载地址: "https://github.com/toshiaki1729/stable-diffusion-webui-text2prompt",
插件功能描述: "Generates anime tags using databases and models for tokenizing.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "prompting"]
插件名: "Prompt Translator",提示翻译器
下载地址: "https://github.com/butaixianran/Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Prompt-Translator",
插件功能描述: "A integrated translator for translating prompts to English using Deepl or Baidu.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "prompting", "online"]
插件名: "Deforum",动态视频
下载地址: "https://github.com/deforum-art/deforum-for-automatic1111-webui",
插件功能描述: "The official port of Deforum, an extensive script for 2D and 3D animations, supporting keyframable sequences, dynamic math parameters (even inside the prompts), dynamic masking, depth estimation and warping.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "animation"]
插件名: "Animator",动画师
下载地址: "https://github.com/Animator-Anon/animator_extension",
插件功能描述: "A basic img2img script that will dump frames and build a video file. Suitable for creating interesting zoom-in warping movies. This is intended to be a versatile toolset to help you automate some img2img tasks.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "animation"]
插件名: "gif2gif",
下载地址: "https://github.com/LonicaMewinsky/gif2gif",
插件功能描述: "A script for img2img that extract a gif frame by frame for img2img generation and recombine them back into an animated gif",
插件的标签: ["animation"]
插件名: "Video Loopback",视频回送
下载地址: "https://github.com/fishslot/video_loopback_for_webui",
插件功能描述: "A video2video script that tries to improve on the temporal consistency and flexibility of normal vid2vid.",
插件的标签: ["animation"]
插件名: "seed travel",种子旅行
下载地址: "https://github.com/yownas/seed_travel",
插件功能描述: "Small script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui to create images that exists between seeds.",
插件的标签: ["animation"]
插件名: "shift-attention",转移注意力
下载地址: "https://github.com/yownas/shift-attention",
插件功能描述: "Generate a sequence of images shifting attention in the prompt. This script enables you to give a range to the weight of tokens in a prompt and then generate a sequence of images stepping from the first one to the second.",
插件的标签: ["animation"]
插件名: "prompt travel",“快速旅行
下载地址: "https://github.com/Kahsolt/stable-diffusion-webui-prompt-travel",
插件功能描述: "Extension script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui to travel between prompts in latent space.",
插件的标签: ["animation"]
插件名: "Steps Animation",步骤动画
下载地址: "https://github.com/vladmandic/sd-extension-steps-animation",
插件功能描述: "Create animation sequence from denoised intermediate steps.",
插件的标签: ["animation"]
插件名: "auto-sd-paint-ext",
下载地址: "https://github.com/Interpause/auto-sd-paint-ext",
插件功能描述: "Krita Plugin.",
时间: "2022-11-04",
插件的标签: ["editing"]
插件名: "Detection Detailer",检测详细信息
下载地址: "https://github.com/dustysys/ddetailer",
插件功能描述: "An object detection and auto-mask extension for Stable Diffusion web UI.",
一种用于Stable Diffusion web UI的对象检测和自动遮罩扩展
插件的标签: ["editing"]
插件名: "Batch Face Swap",批量换脸
下载地址: "https://github.com/kex0/batch-face-swap",
插件功能描述: "Automatically detects faces and replaces them.",
插件的标签: ["editing"]
插件名: "Depth Maps",深度图
下载地址: "https://github.com/thygate/stable-diffusion-webui-depthmap-script",
插件功能描述: "Depth Maps, Stereo Image, 3D Mesh and Video generator extension.",
插件的标签: ["editing"]
插件名: "multi-subject-render",多主题渲染
下载地址: "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/multi-subject-render",
插件功能描述: "It is a depth aware extension that can help to create multiple complex subjects on a single image. It generates a background, then multiple foreground subjects, cuts their backgrounds after a depth analysis, paste them onto the background and finally does an img2img for a clean finish.",
插件的标签: ["editing", "manipulations"]
插件名: "depthmap2mask",深度图2遮罩
下载地址: "https://github.com/Extraltodeus/depthmap2mask",
插件功能描述: "Create masks for img2img based on a depth estimation made by MiDaS.",
插件的标签: ["editing", "manipulations"]
插件名: "ABG_extension",ABG_扩展
下载地址: "https://github.com/KutsuyaYuki/ABG_extension",
插件功能描述: "Automatically remove backgrounds. Uses an onnx model fine-tuned for anime images. Runs on GPU.",
插件的标签: ["editing"]
插件名: "Pixelization",像素化
下载地址: "https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-pixelization",
插件功能描述: "Using pre-trained models, produce pixel art out of images in the extras tab.",
插件的标签: ["editing", "extras"]
插件名: "haku-img",哈库img
下载地址: "https://github.com/KohakuBlueleaf/a1111-sd-webui-haku-img",
插件功能描述: "Image utils extension. Allows blending, layering, hue and color adjustments, blurring and sketch effects, and basic pixelization.",
插件的标签: ["tab", "editing"]